Well, another day has gone by and still the same things going on with the health care debacle. Listened to some on the morning news show on Sunday about it, they still are pushing to basically not help those of us that don't and can't afford to pay the ridiculous high monthly fees for insurance. Today on the news I heard one of the current administration's own that now he's thinking of going against his party. For heavens sake people, why must there be sides, this is something the American people need. Work as a team united!!
Wasn't 60 Minutes last night great! That's what I really like about our new president, he tells it like it is, doesn't hide or sidestep like so many of the others. The banks are paying back their tarp funds only so they can go back to doing what they did in the first place that got them in so much trouble. And they still aren't helping the little guy out. Got to love it, right? And come on people, our country didn't get in this miserable condition overnight, it took many many years under the previous adminisatration to get us here, and I think our president is doing a marvelous job with all the bad things he has to try to fix. So give him credit for doing as much as he has in this first year. I don't think we had this many positive efforts in the last 8 years that we have in his first one.
Poor Tiger Woods, they just won't be happy till they totally destroy him, his wife and his poor innocent children. Now they have made some video game, sure didn't take someone much time to jump on that one did it. Such a shame that people can get such a high off destroying anothers life. I still say, get some investigators to get the dirt on those reporters and let's see all their dirty laundry hung out!!
More in the next day or so when the news tickles my opinion bone!
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