I've never been into politics, don't like all the lies and basic dishonesty 90% of the time. But lately it's made me even more glad that I am especially not a republican and have maintained my independent status. The present group in this administration remind me of watching a group of children in kindergarten when they were told they weren't going to get their own way. It totally has boggled my mind for years now as to why congress would be so set against health care reform when our country, the best there is, is laughed at by the other countries due to the fact that we have so many citizens without health care, and not by our own doing! Are the people supporting the idiots that don't want health reform so blind that they can't see the reasoning behind it is they don't want to lose their special interest groups? Can they not see that doctors don't want it changed because they put more status on the almighty dollar now instead of caring for patients! If you doubt this, show us the poor doctors will you? Let me run this scenario by you. When you only have approximately $100 left for the month after you pay basic bills, and this isn't including food or gas, tell me how we are supposed to pay the insurance companies what they want monthly? When I lost my job, they told me I could keep my insurance for close to $500 a month. Well, let's see, if I get rid of my house, electric, phone and pitch a tent, maybe I could almost stretch it. Even that would be iffy. I think all of you that have insurance might want to take a look and see how it has increased, really pay attention to what has been taken out of your paycheck, look back a year and see the increases. Also, you best be praying that your employer can keep paying their half due to the constant increases or guess what? You will be on the receiving end of paying the full amount and then let's see how you handle that. So those of you that are trying to stop those of us that don't have insurance and have medical issues and can't be seen, well, frankly shame on you. What goes around will come around, remember that. I have a great idea for those of you that don't want everyone to have health care. Let's take everyone OFF health insurance, make it that none is available to anyone, do away with it, then the playing field is even. Then when you need to see a doctor or have a hospital visit, let's see how you feel about paying for it all. Seems like a plan to me. Or how about this, all of those opposing health care for everyone, their names are put on a national register so when those of us that have no coverage and need medical care, those bills will go to them to pay. I like it!!
Well, well, listening to the news tonight and I hope the republicans are real happy with themselves because of their stupid remarks they have incited people to violence and if anyone is hurt, I hope they not only arrest the ones that do the violence but hold every one of the congress responsible too.
Why don't people look back to before this past administration. We had a balanced budget before the last 8 year administration, and during that 8 years this country suffered horribly. And now you expect the present administration to fix the 8 years of problems in the first year?? For heavens sake, use some common sense here.
Another crazy thing I saw today is a school district in Florida near my area is cutting back on classes trying to meet their budget. But......someone decided they didn't like a song that was in a music program so they sued the school board even though the school in question took the song out before the performance, and yet they did an out of court settlement for $140,000.00. Gosh, that sure could have gone to keeping classes, but no, that's using logic and common sense. The logical thing should have been to inform the parents that didn't like a song with one of our country's logos "in God we trust" that they could have their child sit out that song. Gee, so hard to come to a logical decision isn't it. And they wonder why our system is so messed up.
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